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Nephrology/ नेफ़्रोलोजी
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 516(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD)
We at Nephrology department of St. Stephen's Hospital are dedicated to early diagnosis & early management of diseases that affect the kidney and to avoid progression of existing renal diseases, for all age groups from pediatric to geriatric.
Our aim is to provide sophisticated ethical medical care at affordable cost to the common man.
The department is headed by senior consultant nephrologist with his able team managing all in patients and outpatients, also providing 24 x7 emergency and dialysis facility. The department doctors provide round the clock care for nephrology patients.
We have an active well recognised dialysis technician training program (2 years and 6 months internship) affiliated to CMAI.
- Kidney infection/ गुर्दे का इन्फ़ेक्शन
- Blood or protein in urine/ पेशाब में पस या खून आना
- Acute and chronic renal failure /अल्पकालीन व दीर्घकालीन गुर्दे की विफलता/ निष्क्रियता
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Swelling of kidney due to Glomerulonephritis/ Interstitial nephritis/ गुर्दे पे सूजन
- High blood pressure/ diabetes/ heart disease associated / lupus /medication related kidney disease/ ब्लड प्रेशर/शुगर/ हृदय रोग /गठियें इत्य आदि से होने वाले गुर्दे के रोग
- Renal stone related kidney disease /गुर्दे में पथरी होने से होने वाले गुर्दे की दिक़्क़त
Nephrology department at St. Stephen’s hospital is one of the best with state of art dialysis setup. We provide 24x7 dialysis service and have a fully equipped department with able trained dialysis technicians, dedicated nursing staff.
We carry out approximately 850-900 dialysis per month.
We have segregated facility for COVID, Hepatitis and HIV patients.
- Hemodialysis
- Continuous renal replacement therapy(CRRT)- sustained low efficiency daily dialysis (SLEDD)
- Plasma exchange
- Catheter placement
- Fistula creation
- Renal biopsy
- Ultrasound
- CT scan
- X ray
Meet the Consultants