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Dental & Faciomaxillary Surgery/ दंत चिकित्सा व फ़ेसीयोमैक्सीलरी सर्जरी
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 523(General/Pvt OPD), Mobile-7291974157
Routine OT – Wednesday (Please confirm availability prior to visit for private OPD)
Established in the 1980s, the department of Dental & FacioMaxillary Surgery at St Stephen's Hospital is the perfect blend of Old and New, of Ethics and Advancement in Treatment, and most importantly of compassion and maximum value for money. For decades, the doctors here have been providing excellent treatment to the residents of not just Delhi, but many neighbouring cities and towns.
We are committed to providing Advanced, Comprehensive, Ethical, Cost-effective solutions for your oral health care needs. Our team of dedicated Doctors, Staff Nurses, Dental Auxiliaries strive to provide the best treatment possible with care and compassion to every individual who walks through the doors of our OPD.
Department is specialised in treatment
This is not a routine dental clinic in the classic sense that you find in every nook and corner of the city these days. It is special in more than one way and strives to excel in whatever treatment it provides. We focus on customizing to the needs and desires of the patient while never compromising on ethics or fundamentals of scientific treatment principles. It is unique in terms of scope and spectrum of services offered which are listed below. Being headed by UK Trained Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, this department acts as a bridge between Clinical Medicine and Hospital-based dentistry. Thus, the focal point is planning and delivering the treatment in a manner that is safe and predictable for the patient. We assure you of a comfortable treatment that is delivered in an aseptic, infection-free environment with 100% sterilization of dental hand pieces and other instruments which you come in contact with during your treatment.
We specialize in:
- Surgical treatment of cancer of mouth and jaw (Oral oncology)
- Reconstruction and rehabilitation of diseased, broken and defective Jaw
- Rehabilitation and maintenance of oral function and aesthetics in patients with missing or damaged Dental & Orofacial defects by using biocompatible artificial substitutes
- Treatment and prevention of gum diseases and maintenance of oral hygiene
- Dental and Oral surgical treatment of medically compromised patients
Services Available Oral & Faciomaxillary Surgery
- Treatment of Facial and Jaw fractures (Upper Jaw, Cheek Bones, Lower Jaw, Fractures of Orbit/Eye Socket, TM Joint Injuries, Soft Tissue Injuries of Face & Mouth)
- Management of Jaw Pathologies (Cyst/Tumors of Maxilla or Mandible and even rest of the face)
- Diagnosis & Management of Oral Cancer (Cancer of All subsites of Oral Cavity like Lips, Tongue, Gums, Lower Jaw, Upper Jaw, Palate, Salivary Glands, and associated Neck nodes/ Neck Dissection)
- Diagnosis & Management of Precancerous Lesions of Oral Cavity (Leukoplakia: white patches, Erythroplakia: Red Patches, Carcinoma in situ, Lichen Planus and Oral Submucous Fibrosis)
- Complicated Dental Extractions (Fractured/ Broken teeth, Teeth in abnormal unusual locations) and Wisdom Molar Surgeries (Angulated third molars of both upper and lower jaws)
- Treatment of Oro-facial Infections & Swellings of Salivary Glands (Dental Abscess/ Facial Abscess and Infection of Major Salivary Glands in Neck/ Face)
- Dental Implants, Basal Implants for Immediate Loading (Teeth in a Day/ Fixed teeth in 72 hours), Zygomatic Implants & Tubero-Pterygoid Implants for Post Cancer or Post Traumatic Defects, Maxillary Sinus Lifts and Ridge Expansion for Resorbed ridges.
- Surgery for Facial Deformity correction- Orthognathic Surgery and Distraction Osteogenesis (Advancement of Small Upper/Lower Jaw, Backward Positioning of Large Upper/Lower Jaw)
- Surgery for Cysts and Tumors of Jaws & Face (Treatment of Dentigerous/Odontogenic Keratocyst/Ameloblastoma/Osteochondroma /Periapical cyst)
- Treatment of Salivary Gland Diseases (Sialolithiasis, Salivary Gland Neoplasms)
- TM Joint Problems and Facial Pain syndromes including TMJ Ankylosis, Disc Displacement Disorders
- Surgery for Sleep Apnoea (Maxillo-Mandibular Advancement and Widening)
Dental Xrays, RVG and OPG
- Scaling and polishing of teeth
- Root planing
- Flap surgeries for receded gum lines
- Bone grafting
- Frenectomy
- Treatment of periodontal pockets
- Tooth-colored dental fillings
- Fluoride releasing tooth fillings
- Treatment of tooth sensitivity
- Fillings for crooked/ broken teeth
- Root canal treatment (RCT) for infected teeth
- Single sitting RCT
- Treatment of failed RCT teeth
- Crowns for broken-down teeth
- Metal-free ceramic crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, metal crowns
- Veneers to restore damaged or discolored teeth
- Implants and Bridges for fixed replacement of missing teeth
- Sealants to prevent tooth decay
- Bleaching of teeth Inlays, Onlays
- Straightening of crooked mal-aligned teeth
- Ceramic braces & aligners
- Adult orthodontics
- Dentofacial orthopedics
- Dental treatment for cleft lip & palate patients
- Dental treatment for special needs children & adults
- Preventive and prophylactic treatments for children
- RCT for infected milk teeth
- Space Maintainers and Habit breaking appliances
- Crowns for milk teeth
- Aesthetics fillings for children
- Treatment of facial deformities in growing children
- Full mouth treatment of children under Sedation & General Anesthesia (GA)
- Mouthguards for Sports Persons
- Flexible Partial Dentures
- Immediate dentures
- Flexible complete dentures
- Implants for missing teeth
- Implant-supported dentures
- Cast Partial & Complete dentures
Meet the Consultants