
Dr. Sudhir Cecil Joseph, Director

Dr. Joseph was appointed the Director of the Hospital in 2006. Dr. Joseph is also the Head of the General Surgery department.

Dr. Joseph, was awarded the Emmanuel Sundar Raj Lifetime Achievement Award from CMC, Vellore.

Dr. John Punnose, Associate Director & DNB Coordinator

Dr. Punnose is the Head of the Endocrinology department and the Associate Director since 2015

Dr. Ras Bage, Medical Superintendent

Dr. Bage is the Medical Superintendent since 2011. He heads the Internal Medicine department. He also oversees the functioning of the Casualty, the Pharmacy department, and the Medical Records department.

Dr. Subrat Kumar Raul, Deputy Director  



Dr. Vineet Varghese, Deputy Director  

Highly trained Neuro-oncology and Neuro-spine surgeon with vast experience in surgeries involving the entire spectrum of brain, spine, and peripheral nerve disorders. He has received training in endoscopy and paediatric cases too.

Mr. Innocent Beatore Xess, General Superintendent

Mr. Xess oversees general administration of supportive services of the hospital. This includes ensuring the hospital policies and procedures are met in regard to safety, quality and patient satisfaction. He also oversees compliance to legal requirements. 



Mr. Thampy Mathews, Finance Officer


Sr. Elizabeth Santosh, Nursing Superintendent

She oversees the working of entire Nursing staff in OPD & wards. She has 400+ nurses in her department and is responsible for Patient care,Ward management ,Human Resources, Facilities management as well as attendants management with respect to nursing services.

Prof. Dr. Feba Geevarghese, Principal, College of Nursing

Prof. Dr. Feba Geevarghese is an alumnus of this institution as a GNM student in the then School of Nursing. She is Doctorate in Nursing with close to 20 years of experience in this field.

Under her guidance the Nursing College runs multiple training programmes in  GNM, B.SC Nursing , Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc Nursing duly recognised by Delhi Nursing Council  & Indian Nursing Council.