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Artificial Limb Centre/ कृत्रिम अंग केंद्र
The Artificial Limb Centre (ALC) started in 1997,25 years ago. St. Stephen’s Hospital is among the only 4 hospitals in Delhi to have their own Artificial Limb Centre, the other three being Central Govt Hospitals.
We manage Prosthetics and Orthotics for patients of polio, cerebral palsy, congenital physical defects, diabetic ulcers, amputations, fracture, TB of spine, bone TB etc.
The Unit consists of highly qualified, well trained Prosthetists & Orthotists who assess the patients, take measurements and plan the fitment of orthosis or prosthesis along with skilled Prosthesis & Orthotic technicians who then make the device.
- Upper and lower limb prosthetic systems both functional( mechanical, myoelectric) and cosmetic types
- Extension prosthesis in case of congenital( by birth) absence of limb, total or partial digits
- Cosmetic restoration of fingers, partial hand and foot amputation
- Orthotic devices fit in case of polio, cerebral palsy,spinal cord injury
- Postural spinal supports
- Corrective braces for spinal deformity like scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis
- Corrective braces for congenital cases like club foot, club hand , developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) etc
- Fracture bracing with imported material which is low temperature thermoplastic that is modded directly on the required body part and gives the advantage of better fit, light weight, better cosmesis and same day delivery
- Ambulating of patients with lower limb problem using supportive and walking devices
- Foot orthosis for diabetic foot with ulcers
- Diabetic foot assessment and care -Preventive and physical deformity,ulcer etc
Meet the Paramedical Team

Mr Pravin Verma
Senior Prosthetist & Orthotist , Head of the Department

Mr Sandeep Tyagi
Senior Prosthetist & Orthotist

Mr Sunil
Senior Prosthetist & Orthotist