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- Paediatrics Surgery ( Division of Surgery )/ बाल चिकित्सा सर्जरी
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- Psychiatry/ मनोचिकित्सा विज्ञान
- Radiology/रेडियोलॉजी
- Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery / प्लास्टिक सर्जरी
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Psychiatry/ मनोचिकित्सा विज्ञान
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 674(General OPD), 8637(Pvt OPD)
The department has been running outpatient services for the last 30 years and in 2015 Inpatient department(IPD) service was added along with specialty clinics including child guidance and de-addiction therapy.
The OPD runs 6 days a week both for the private as well as general patients. The department provides round the clock psychiatry emergency services with qualified psychiatrist available 24/7.
Patients with mental health problems and illnesses are treated with a comprehensive and global approach.
The multidisciplinary mental health team includes Senior consultants, Senior residents,Junior residents and Clinical psychologists. We have nursing staff who are trained in the nursing care of psychiatric patients.
Cases with need of services of speech therapist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist are provided same by seamless liaison with these departments.
The community mental health services are provided through satellite centre at Sunder Nagari, Gurugram along with Public mental health campaigns. The availability of emergency services accentuates the wide range of services in the extensive field of psychiatry.
- Adult, child and geriatric mental health clinic
- De addiction
- Preventive and Promotive Mental health services and well being clinics.
- The department works in liaison with various other departments like Neurology, Medicine, Gynaecology, Endocrinology, Paediatrics, Surgery and their ICUs
- Emergency services are available round the clock
Treatment for:
- Depression
- Anxiety disorders, phobia, panic attacks
- Bipolar mood disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Insomnia
- Personality disorders
- Sexual dysfunction
- Alcohol de-addiction
- Nicotine de-addiction
- Dementia with behaviour problems
- Somatoform disorders
- Trauma and stress related disorder
- Post partum psychiatric disorder
Special programs offered are:
- Stress management program
- Anger management program
- Career counselling with aptitude test for children
- Positive parenting program
- Group therapy for de addiction
- Child guidance clinic
- Internet de addiction treatment
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY(ECT) for high risk patients.It is administered by our team of trained medical professionals that includes a psychiatrist, an anaesthesiologist, and a nurse or physician assistant.
During the COVID pandemic, the department has initiated online consultation and counselling services for existing patients as well as new consultations. This is also applicable for all the diagnosed patients who find it difficult to reach the out patient department(OPD).
CGC caters to children under the age of 16 years. Children with disorders like Autism spectrum disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Learning disability, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conduct disorder to name some. The clinic also treats children suffering from emotional crisis and behavioural problems for example selective mutism, encopresis, enuresis, bullying, lying, defiance, etc.
The psychology department offers psychological treatment in forms of:
- Psychotherapy
- Behaviour therapy and behaviour modification
- Family counselling and Marital therapy
- Relaxation therapy
Psychometric testing facilities like :
- Psycho diagnostic assessment
- Aptitude test
- Career counselling
- IQ test
- Specific learning disability test
- Assessment for childhood disorder
- Neuropsychological evaluation for both, children and adults are conducted
- Disability assessment for Specific Learning Disability(SLD), Autism, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)
Meet the Consultants

Meet the Paramedical Team

Sister in charge