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Orthopaedics/ हड्डी विभाग
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 532/594(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD)
Department of Orthopaedic surgery is a high-volume centre and provides quality treatment for wide spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders covering all age groups.
Department is a centre of excellence for IMPARTING CARE TO CHILDREN with various musculoskeletal problems including
- Clubfoot/क्लबफुट
- Cerebral palsy/मस्तिष्क पक्षाघात/सेरेब्रल पाल्सी
- Hip Dysplasia/ डेवल्पमेंटल डिसप्लेसिया ऑफ हिप
- Post-polio deformities /पोस्ट पोलीओ विकलांगता
- Other pediatric orthopaedic disorders
Our clubfoot clinic is one of the largest in the world.
We provide Comprehensive Care to patients with several orthopaedic problems
- Patients with primary and neglected trauma /हड्डी की चोट
- Difficult non-unions/ हड्डी का ना जुड़ना
- Skeletal deformities/विकृति
- Infections including bone and joint tuberculosis and diabetic foot/ हड्डी का TB,डाइअबेटिक फुट
- Bone tumors / हड्डी का ट्यूमर in all age groups are being taken care of by highly skilled team of surgeons.
Department receives and treats a good number of patients with DISORDERS OF SPINE/ रीढ़ की हड्डी की दिक़्क़त covering
- Disc disorders
- Degenerative spine problems
- Fractures
- Tuberculosis
Department is well known for
- ADVANCED JOINT REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES/जोड़प्रतिस्थापन/जॉंट रेप्लेस्मेंट(both primary and revisions of hip, knee, and shoulder)
- ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY/ आर्थ्रॉस्कॉपिक सर्जरी for sports related injuries
Department is a highly reputed and one of the favourite centre for Post Graduate Teaching in Orthopaedics surgery and is successfully running DNB Teaching program for more than 25 years and currently receives 4 Post graduate trainees per year. Department regularly contributes to many research papers in reputed national and international journals every year.
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