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Paediatrics/ बाल चिकित्सा
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 463(General OPD), 8639(Pvt OPD)
Paediatric department at St. Stephens Hospital is committed to provide excellent health care and promoting the quality of life of all children that come to the department for various needs.
- Comprehensive child care
- Preventive care to the patient and family
- Focus on child’s entire spectrum of development - Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional
- Focus on child’s entire spectrum of development - Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional
- Holistic approach to the disease – We treat and heal the Child as a whole and not just the illness Evidence based standard treatment protocols are strictly followed
- General OPD and Private OPD services available on all working days( days & timing as mentioned)
- Regular growth and development monitoring
- Well baby clinic
- High risk NICU clinic
- PICU follow up clinic
- Pediatric Neurology clinics
- On all working days for private OPD Vaccination
- For general OPD on Monday/Thursday 2-4 pm
- Independent, 6 bedded, Level 3 PICU
- Managed by Qualified Pediatric Intensivist and Paediatricians
- Staffed by Dedicated PICU nurses
- Round the clock monitoring with multipara monitors
- Adequate invasive and non-invasive ventilatory care (HFNC, BIPAP, CPAP, MAQUET & DRAGGER advance ventilators)
- Point of care ultrasound and functional Echocardiography
- Facility for neuro-physiological studies
- Independent, 18 bedded, Level 3 NICU
- Managed by Senior Paediatrician with >5 years of experience in neonatology
- Staffed by Dedicated NICU nurses
- Facility of non-invasive and invasive ventilation
- Point of care Ultrasound and Functional Echocardiography
- Successful management of Extremely Low Birth Weight Babies / Preterm care
- Facility of therapeutic hypothermia for perinatal asphyxia
- In-house facility for ROP screening / treatment and OAE (Otoaccoustic emissions) / BERA(Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry)
- In-house facility for newborn screening test for genetic diseases
- Teaching programme - IAP Fellowship in neonatology
- 36 bedded
- 6 dedicated bed for Post ICU with oxygen facility at each bed and separate washroom
- Looked after by two senior consultants (Dr. Nirmal Kumar and Dr. Ayush Manchanda)
- Round the clock trained pediatric team available
- 24 hour Emergency services available
- Separate Thalassemia unit
- Regular placements of Central lines, Umbilical lines, PICC (Peripherally inserted central catheters)
- Placement of arterial lines for invasive blood pressure monitoring
- Exchange transfusion for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
- TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) facility available
- Central hospital information system facility available
Successful management of rare diseases like
- MIS-C/N (Multi system inflammatory syndrome in children/neonates)
- Post Covid complications like Thrombosis / DIC
- HLH (Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocystosis)
- IEM (Inborn error of metabolism)
- Pediatric Stroke
- Autoimmune encephalitis
- Various cases of Poisoning
- .We successfully managed our youngest Covid-19 survivor 33 weeker, 2.2 Kgs, Severe SARS-CoV-2 positive pneumonia with ARDS.Remained on invasive ventilation for 20 days and successfully extubated.Discharged after spending a month in PICU.
- Case of DIC/Thrombosis with Multi organ failure secondary to Covid infection.Managed successfully with heparin and other supportive care
Meet the Consultants

Senior Consultant & Head of Department

Senior Consultant

Senior Consultant & In Charge Neonatal ICU

Consultant & Incharge Paediatric ICU

Junior Specialist

Consultant Pediatrician