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Critical Care/क्रिटिकल केयर
The department of Critical Care Medicine at St. Stephen's hospital is a tertiary level advanced critical care centre that offers comprehensive,compassionate care for acutely & critically ill, emergency cases and injured patients.
We are a team of experienced intensivists working 24x7, along with specifically ICU trained medical and technical staff backed up by latest diagnostic & therapeutic technology.
We pride ourselves in practising ethical, scientific evidence based medicine and providing affordable care.
OUR ADULT CRITICAL CARE UNITS are a combination of multidisciplinary ICUs(Intensive Care Units) including the
- Medical ICU(MICU)
- Surgical ICU (SICU)
- Neuro ICU (NICU)
- Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery ICU(CTVS ICU)
Paediatric ICU is manned and operated by pediatric critical care specialists under the guidance of pediatric department.
The critical care unit caters to a very wide spectrum of diseases including trauma, surgical cases, neurosurgical patients, stroke, seizure and cardiac surgery as well as complex cardiac diseases.
The MICU routinely handles major medical epidemics like viral pneumonias, dengue, malaria and other tropical infections.
Our department has been running various successful training programs for doctors and other healthcare professionals in the field of intensive care medicine.
Services provided
- Basic hemodynamic monitoring
- Invasive monitoring
- Arterial blood gases
- SLEDD (sustained low efficiency daily diafilteration)
- Hemodialysis
- Plasmapheresis
- Critical care USG and Echocardiography
- USG guided procedures
- 24 hrs EEG monitoring
- ICP monitoring
- Trans Cranial Doppler
- Bedside Bronchoscopy and Biopsy
- Non Invasive Ventilation
- Mechanical ventilation
- Prone ventilation
- High flow nasal oxygenation
- Intra Aortic balloon pump
- Bedside Endoscopy and related procedures
Meet the Consultants

Meet the Paramedical Team

Staff of the month