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Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery/ कार्डियोथॉरैसिक व वैस्क्युलर सर्जरी
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 650(Pvt OPD)
The department of Cardiothoracic & vascular surgery(CTVS) is dedicated to the surgical treatment of adult and pediatric cases of complicated heart, lung and vascular diseases which need surgical management along with medical management.
Our highly experienced and skilled CTVS surgeon regularly performs surgery and manage patients in collaboration with Cardiologist backed up by intensive care units (I.C.U) with trained professional nursing staff dedicated to managing CTVS patients.
Is done by both methods- open and minimally invasive method of video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) depending on disease and patient condition.
- Pulmonary Lobectomy -The lung is divided into sections known as lobes and lobectomy is done to remove diseased or damaged lobe of the lung.The common causes of lung damage for which lobectomy is done are lung cancer, infection, COPD, benign tumours.
- Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) - is done to remove areas of lung tissue that have become damaged as a result of COPD or severe emphysema. This helps improve breathing ability and lung capacity of patient.
- Decortication surgery -is done to remove fibrous tissue that has abnormally formed on the surface of lung, chest wall or diaphragm.
- Bullectomy- is surgery done to remove enlarged areas of damaged air sacs in the lung known as bullae. These if not removed, they take up space in the lung and create pressure making it difficult for a person to breathe. These are formed in medical conditions like COPD, emphysema.
- Bronchopleural fistula (BPF) - is a sinus tract between the main stem, lobar, or segmental bronchus and the pleural space.A bronchopleural fistula may be caused by: (1) rupture of a lung abscess, bronchus, bulla, cyst, or parenchymal tissue into the pleural space; (2) the erosion of a bronchus by carcinoma or chronic inflammatory disease; or (3) stump dehiscence of a bronchial suture line after pulmonary resection. Treatment may be done surgically, or endoscopically through a bronchoscopy tube.
- Thymectomy - is the surgical removal of the thymus gland, which is located just under the breast bone. It may be required for myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular disorder, or thymoma, a tumor of the thymus gland.
- Mediastinal tumor resection: The mediastinum is an area in the chest between the sternum and the spine in back. Mediastinal tumor resection removes abnormal tissue in this area.
- Pneumonectomy -is a type of surgery to remove one of lungs because of cancer, trauma, or some other condition.
- Surgical Rib Fixation (SRF)- SRF is a procedure used to help hold an injured rib in place and allow for proper healing.
- First rib resection- is a surgical procedure used to treat thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) and Paget–Schroetter disease. It involves the surgical removal of a segment of the first rib, which is the rib closest to the head, under the collar bone.
We regularly performed peripheral vascular surgeries ,both for veins and arterial problems.
- Varicose vein treatment- Radiofrequency ablation(RFA),sclerotherapy, embulatory phlebectomy, vein stripping, perforator ligation etc are done in our set up.
- Peripheral arterial surgeries like abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery, aorto-bifemoral bypass surgery, femoro-femoral bypass surgery, axillo-femoral bypass surgery, femoro-popliteal bypass surgery, embolectomy, fasciotomy, limb salvage surgery, etc are done regularly.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm-is a weak section of an artery wall. Pressure from inside the artery causes the weakened area to bulge out beyond the normal width of the blood vessel. An abdominal aortic aneurysm is an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta. Abdominal aortic open repair. A large incision is made in the abdomen to see and repair the abdominal aorta aneurysm. A mesh, metal coil-like tube called a stent or graft may be used. This graft is sewn to the aorta, connecting one end of the aorta at the site of the aneurysm to the other end. The open repair is the surgical standard for an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Aortofemoral bypass surgery- is a procedure utilized commonly for the treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease, sometimes referred to as Leriche syndrome. To bypass the blocked blood vessel, blood is redirected through a graft made of synthetic material. This graft is sewn above and below the diseased artery so that blood flows through the graft. The artificial blood vessel is formed into a Y shape. The single end of the Y is sewn on the aorta. The two split ends of the Y are sewn below the blocked or narrowed areas of the femoral arteries. This allows the blood to travel around (bypass) the diseased areas.
Femoropopliteal bypass-Popliteal bypass surgery, more commonly known as femoropopliteal bypass or more generally as lower extremity bypass surgery, is a surgical procedure used to treat diseased leg arteries above or below the knee.
Embolectomy- is the emergency surgical removal of emboli which are blocking blood circulation. It usually involves removal of thrombi, and is then referred to as thrombectomy.
- Radiofrequency ablation - is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. Ablation procedure uses heat to damage tissue, which makes scar tissue form, this scar tissue closes the vein. This technique uses radiofrequency energy to heat up and damage the wall inside a vein.
- Ambulatory phlebectomy- is an outpatient procedure that removes superficial veins through small, slit-like incisions in the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and patients usually do not feel any pain during treatment.
- Sclerotherapy -is used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse and stick together and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view.
Artriovenous fistula for Dialysis-An AV fistula is a connection that’s made between an artery and a vein for dialysis access.
Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) of varicose vein
- Colour Doppler system
- Echocardiography
- Electrocardiogram(ECG)
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