Integrated Health Unit is the one of the Programmes of Community Health Department of St Stephen Hospital which replaced RCH Program in November 2015, it was because Govt. dispensary in F2 block started RCH through ASHAs. The aims are to decrease the morbidity and mortality due to Non Communicable diseases , Malnutrition, Psychiatric disorders and other diseases in the community. A team of 1 Lady Health Visitor(LHV) and 6 Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) are running this unit. This is the back-bone of CHD.
- To decrease the morbidity and mortality due to Non Communicable Diseases , mental illnesses, Malnutrition and Reproductive health problems.
- Home visits for screening and follow up of patients suffering from Non Communicable diseases, Malnourished children, mental illnesses and high risk mothers and new-borns.
- Blood Pressure screening & monitoring in persons of age 35 yrs and above in the community.
- To call and follow up children & adolescents ( 0-19 yrs) for “Child & Adolescent Friendly Clinic”.
- To call patients with mental illness for clinic and for the follow-up.
- To maintain and regularly update MIS.
- To spread awareness and educate the community about preventive measures for various diseases via meetings and training programmes.